First Project Meeting
The first project meeting will be organized in Baia Mare, Romania, on the 25th -28th October 2007.
Project presentation
Entrepreneurship is one of the 8 Key Competences meant to assure the building of the European Knowledge Based Society.
To what extent are the European citizens aware of the opportunities open to them by acquiring entrepreneurship competences?
What is to be done in order to make them willing to acquire new skills and competences when they reach a certain age? Which are the most affected categories by lack of key competences?
Our partnership is meant to answer some of these questions by studying the actual situation of women aged 45-55 who are either not satisfied with their actual job or who are unemployed.
For this we will elaborate a survey related to the complexity of this situation in all partner countries aiming at getting a panoramic view of the causes that had led these women to the position of not fully successful persons.
We will also try to find out, within this European partnership, the best ways to help them regain the self esteem and to successfully integrate on the labour market.
The results will be presented during an international conference on the theme “ Women’s Integration on the Labour Market”, a product of this partnership.
Info Project SRL – International Centre for Adult Education –Baia Mare, Romania is an institution that has as main object of activity adult education.It was set up in April 2004 with the strong belief that long life learning is inseparable to anybody’s wish to be strong, informed, creative and adapted to the society he/she is living in.The projects promoted by the company, the training courses and the events organized are directed to those who wish to better meet the requirements of the 21st century. Info Project promotes European citizenship, skills and competencies in the field of ICT, skills and knowledge necessary for professional reconversion . It stimulates the study of foreign languages and the cooperation with similar institutions from Romania and abroad . Info Project is today an Authorized TOEIC /TFI Testing Centre, TOEIC/TFI and TEF Training Centre, ICT training Centre and an Authorized Translation Center ( English & French).It is also member of Maramures Chamber of Trade and Commerce. The employees and collaborators of Info Project are people with experience in coordinating European projects. They have also proved competences in creating and working in international networks.
SITE23 Limited, Budapest, Hungary, is an enterprise established in 1999 with the following objectives:
·to collect expertise in distance teaching and multimedia development in the field of language teaching and to organize traditional and online courses in IT English
·to serve as a centre for teaching material design and development and to design and develop new language examination systems for accreditation procedures etc.
In the past period the company has carried out activities like publishing language learning materials, participating in projects on developing online materials, organizing language courses and doing theoretical research in the field of LLL and multimedia design. Its research activities focus on methodological issues related to digital material design and self-evaluation methods applicable in online environment. Its past involvements in EU projects have greatly enhanced the staff’s experience in issues like international cooperation, educational policy priorities and human rights.
The Centre d’Information du Droit des Femmes Phocéen, (CIDF)(FR) is an Information Centre on women’s rights. It’s a non profit association based in Marseille (France) which belongs to a national network.
Its aim is to support women in any kind of subject they need. Principally, the CIDF, with 21 people working, give information on laws and employment. It’s always looking to improve women’s conditions of life.
The organization has been involved in several European projects concerning issues related to a better integration of women on the labour market.