Minutes of the Meetig in Budapest

5-7 December, 2008
Romania: Mariana Hudrea, Simona Zachia
Hungary: Kate Fazekas, Andrew Fazekas,
1. Updating of the website
2. Checking the materials made for the workshops – finalization
3. Decisions about the final Conference
a. Participants to be invited
b. Merging the three projects focused on transversal competences
c. Key speaker
d. Program
e. Contribution of project partners
i. France: presentation of volunteer work to promote social skills
ii. Hungary: presentation of entrepreneurial skill for women over 45
iii. Romania: example of good practice – the presentation of a successful enterprise
f. Dissemination of the Outcomes of all the three projects
i. booklet on content of projects, partnership description, products
ii. Conferences materials in digital format – CD
4. Conference program:
a. Day 1:
i. Key speaker (Beverly Killeen) The Impact of Globalisation Upon the Individual
ii. General presentation on Key Competences (Mariana Hudrea)
iii. Transversal Competences – Interpersonal Relationship and Cultural Awareness (emphasis on school-family relationship and immigration nowadays) – Students from seven schools from seven countries
Festive dinner
b. Day 2:
Entrepreneurship Competences:
i. France: presentation of volunteer work to promote social skills
ii. Hungary: presentation of entrepreneurial skill for women over 45
iii. Romania: example of good practice – the presentation of a successful enterprise
Guided tour of the County Library
c. Day 3:
i. Competences of Cultural awareness and examples of local entrepreneurship in Maramures County
5. Next Project meeting: March 2009 – in France
6. Potentials of future cooperation
a. Overview of the European Call for Proposals for 2009
b. Drafting the scheme of a new project for Grundtvig Partnership